About Products Selected

This site is designed with brand new cooks in mind. Because of that you will see a lot of items linked here. For an experienced cook it is easy to recognize what the difference between a pot, a sauce pan, a casserole, etc. means. But if you are brand new to the cooking from scratch idea it can be confusing. All products linked are meant to give you a clear idea of what kinds of items I am referring to. These items linked also represent brands that I am familiar with, that I have found to be high quality and I find them to be fairly priced and long lasting for regular use.

For pots and pans I prefer the quality of Circulon brand above higher priced brands and their longevity above lower priced brands. For glass bowls and bake ware I prefer Pyrex. For low priced kitchen ware I prefer Norpro. For smaller quantities of dried goods I prefer Bob's Red Mill, which I can find at all of my local stores. For larger quantities I prefer ordering from Barry Farm. I often use the bulk section at my stores as well. While it is certainly less expensive to make stock at home, it is far more convenient to purchase it. I like Pacific Natural Foods and Imagine Foods low sodium broths. These suggestions are designed to make your food preparation easier and affordable. You'll also be able to accurately duplicate the recipes on this site and the meals seen on Frugal Feeds Videos. Look for all of these products and kitchen items at your local stores or click on the links and it will take you to where you can buy them online. (Although many of the items will cost more with shipping than they will if you can find them at your local store).

Friday, April 16, 2010

Frugal Feeds | Raw Diet Day 40

For breakfast today I made a smoothie of banana's and a Thai coconut. You can find the recipe here. It makes four servings. It is mild and creamy and only slightly sweet.

I watched a very sweet documentary called To Be and To Have. It is a French film about a small school in rural France. The one room school house holds 13 students from age 3 to 10 with a truly remarkable teacher. He epitomizes the strength and good nature that constitutes a wonderful teacher. There isn't a traditional story line in it, just viewing segments of the teacher and students lives over the course of a year. I would highly recommend it if you can stand to watch a film with subtitles.

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